Thursday, September 1, 2016

Homework 1 II Grades

  1.       What kind of physical quantities are there?
  2.       Give some examples of scalar and vector quantities?
  3.       How do we represent vectors?
  4.       How we can represent two vectors one with greater magnitude and the other with lower magnitude?
  5.       How do we denote the magnitude of a vector?
  6.       When two vectors are equal?
  7.       What methods of adding vectors do you know?
  8.       What is the negative of a vector?
  9.       Can vector quantities be multiplied by scalars?
  10.   What do we obtain as a result?
  11.   If is a vector and it is multiplied by a scalar k, which is negative, what will we obtain?
  12.   Can we resolve a vector in components?
  13.   What is the relationship between magnitudes of ?

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